Shamanic Initiations

The Munay-Ki Rites

Small Group Container - 8 Week Mentoring Program

Ongoing: october & november 2024

upcoming: february & march 2025

Dream your world into being with the Munay-Ki Rites.

~ Alberto Villoldo

Based on initiatory practices of the shamans of the Andes and the Amazon, the Munay-Ki are nine rites of initiation to become a person of wisdom and power.

They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the genetic and karmic inheritance we are born with.

They transform and upgrade the luminous energy field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

In the Quechua language, “Munay” means universal love. “Ki” is from the Japanese word for energy. Together, these words mean energy of love. After you go through the nine rites of the Munay-Ki, you can begin to dream the world into being – the world that we want our children’s children to inherit.

An Intimate Journey

The Munay-Ki Rites

My personal experience with receiving the Munay-Ki Rites was nothing short of “shockingly transformational”!

I embarked on this journey at a time in my life were I was ready to commit 100% to creating the life I only dared to dream of! I was ready for more, yet I had no idea what it would entail. Just that the timing was NOW!

If you are at a crossroads in your life, or ready to completely uplevel in all facets, I invite you to consider me as your journey guide.

With the receiving and integrating of each of these Rites of Initiation, your world will change. Some times subtly and other times more abruptly. Either way, know that what unfolds is divinely guided by your soul, for your highest timeline and greatest good!

What are the Munay-Ki Rites?

The Munay-Ki is not a religion nor a philosophy. It is a way of life, which embodies ethical, moral, and spiritual guidelines for spiritual growth, development, and evolution. This class is for those who identify as being on the path of Ascension.

They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past – the genetic and karmic inheritance we are born with. They transform and upgrade the luminous energy field and re-inform our DNA, enabling us to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

What is the origin of the Munay-Ki Rites?

The Munay-Ki Rites have roots originating from the ancient shamanic traditions of the Andean people of Peru. According to tradition, the Rites were first passed down by the Q’ero shamans, who are said to be the last of the Inca line of shamans. The Q’ero shamans believe that the Munay-Ki Rites are a way to reconnect with the spiritual wisdom of their ancestors and the natural world.

The Munay-Ki Rites were modified and reintroduced to the modern world by Dr Alberto Villoldo. Dr Villoldo had been trained in the Munay-Ki Rites by the Q’ero shamans and was determined to share their teachings with the world. He began teaching the Munay-Ki Rites to people in the United States and Europe, and the tradition soon spread around the world.

Does receiving the Rites make you a “Shaman”?

No. I personally do not refer to myself as a shaman, but rather a spiritual guide. Even though the dictionary meaning of shaman does not indicate a particular region or culture of origin, there is a cultural component that requires respect of the indigenous and traditional origins. I, therefore, do not agree with attaching the label of “Shaman” to the Munay-Ki Rites.

And to clarify, the Munay-Ki Rites are suitable for anyone seeking personal growth and transformation - you do not need to be any type of practitioner to receive the Rites. The delivery has been designed in a way to give you ancient tools for modern day living.

When you receive the Rites, you may deliver them to others. However, I encourage anyone who is interested in becoming a Munay-Ki Rites Facilitator and Mentor to immerse themselves in further study, training and a cultural appreciation to ensure that when delivered to others, it is done so with a deep understanding of how the Rites may create shifts and change in their life.

How can you ensure the authenticity and integrity of the Rites?

My training outside of the Munay-Ki Rites has given me the opportunity to guide many through transformational change, and the sometimes uncomfortable experience of shedding all that no longer serves. I have a degree in Psychology, plus qualifications in coaching, energy healing, embodiment mentoring and have invested in many incredible mentors. I am confident in my capacity to provide the appropriate support that comes with the instalment of the Rites into a client’s energy field.

In addition, I have trained specifically with my highly experienced Shamanic Mentor, Karen Tetther, in the delivery, administration and installation of the Munay-Ki Rites. Karen has spent much time in Peru, and shares her wisdom and knowledge, as well as the cultural teachings, ceremonies and rituals of the Shamans and Maestros of Peru.

After reading and learning about the cultural teachings, ceremonies and rituals, my soul yearned to have my own personal experience. So I was blessed with the opportunity to invest significantly in my own spiritual pilgrimage through Peru!

My intention in the delivery of the Munay-Ki Rites is to provide an experience that is not only transformational but also in deep respect, reverence and honouring of the cultural environment in which the Rites were born.

As with all spiritual training, it is not enough to simply learn healing from a teacher, you must make the training your own. This means exploring one’s own connection to the Spirit world, and one’s own way of doing things. Not everything that one is taught may resonate, whilst other things – often unexpected things – sometimes do!

What happens after you receive the Rites?

As you receive each Rite you will find yourself on the path of fire, the rapid path to enlightenment - doors previously shut, will be opened, a sense of knowing, many synchronicities and visions will begin to manifest in your life!

Throughout your journey with receiving the Rites, I will be guiding, mentoring and supporting you through this major transformation. You will feel a pull into a new way of being! Should you require further assistance after the journey has been completed, I would be more than happy to support you!

The Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki

Rite 3 Harmony Rite

It connects us to animal spirits Serpent, Jaguar, Hummingbird, Eagle, and Condor that reset our instincts so we can maintain physical and emotional integrity. For example, they warn us about the right relationships with people, at the right times, and at the right places. In addition, it connects us to the Guardians of the three mythical worlds: upper, middle, and lower. These keepers guide our evolution, instigating us to heal our past and guiding us to a healthy and auspicious future.

Rite 2  Bands of Power

These are five energetic belts woven around the body with the essence of each element: earth, water, fire, air, and pure light. These bands strengthen our connection with nature and act as filters disintegrating negative and heavy energies, thus protecting us physically and psychically.

Rite 1 Healers Rite

Connects you to a lineage of luminous healers from the past to assist you in your personal transformation, awakening the healing power so that everyone you touch is blessed. We access tremendous spiritual assistance; ancient healers who help heal the wounds of the past and of our ancestors.

Rite 4 Seers Rite

It establishes new neural connections between the visual cortex, the third eye, and the heart. Thus, the inner vision of the invisible world of subtle energies is awakened together with the grace of those who see with the eyes of love and compassion.

Rite 5 Daykeepers Rite

It initiates us to a lineage of medicine men and women who bring health and harmony to a community by activating and feeding their altars. The elements earth, water, wind, fire, space are honoured and balanced with prayers and intention so life may flow in sacred order. This lineage brings great awareness of the gentle and receptive qualities of life, healing and empowering our relationship to the feminine.

Rite 6 Wisdomkeepers Rite

The wisdom of this lineage is not about accumulating information in our heads the way a computer does on its hard drive. The Alto Mesayok remembers how to dialogue with nature, understanding in their hearts the energy that moves her cycles and rhythms. In the Andes they are renowned for their ability to call lightning and for their intimate connection with the guardian spirits of the mountains. It heals our relationship to the masculine.

Rite 7 Earthkeepers Rite

These men and women have the truest and broadest vision about the meaning of life on Earth. They are not the ones handling the greatest amount of theories and scientific data about the evolution of species. Rather, they have the perspective of life from the consciousness of the sun and the stars that illuminate us. In the mystical Andes they are recognised as the ascended masters who communicate with the stars and masticate their knowledge to deliver it in a soft, discreet, and digestible way to their peoples. Just as a mother chews food for her baby who doesn’t have teeth.

Rite 8 Starkeepers Rite

This initiation awakens the perception of our possible future, warning us about the dangers and opportunities; about the horrors and the beauty. It is the awareness of prophets who do not only know the prophecy from a distance, but take an active role in affecting change for a better destiny. From the point of view of Dr. Alberto Villoldo, this initiation opens the doorway to lucidly participate in our evolution from ‘homo sapiens’ to ‘homo luminous’.

Rite 9 Creator Rite

This initiation stimulates us to discover our infinite nature not separated from the creative source and all of creation; makes us sensible to our manifesting power and teaches us to dream the world into being. The Taitanchis Rantis makes us realise that creating is not only a privilege, but also a responsibility, for which, it invites us to create with great love and courage.

Are you ready for deep transformation?

Are you seeking more freedom and opportunity?

Does your soul yearn for more expansion?

Are you desiring more meaningful ceremony and ritual in your life?

Step through the threshold and into the person you came here to be!

Allow me to guide you with the Munay-Ki Rites!

My journey with Kate began in January 2024, the energy movement began even before we met, I soul already connected with her. Kate offers different circles and each of them are magical and powerful, every time I join a circle I expand and get to connect deeper and  deeper with my guides.

Kate did a magnificent land and house clearing, not only her touch has positively impacted my household but also in my neighbourhood my connection with the Pachamama has intensified since then.

Kate’s connection with the shamanic practice is beyond words, my ancestors confirmed it on the first cacao ceremony, then with Munay-ki rites and the rite of the womb, aho!

The respectful way Kate shares her shamanic teachings is amazing. Kate’s mentorship has supported in the discovery of my soul purpose and my connection  with the angelical realm and the divine source.

My soul deeply appreciates the magical experience I have experienced so far with Kate and the beautiful part is that there is much more to me.

In Munay, Kathy

The Munay-Ki Rites Journey

with Kate Maryam

The Munay-Ki Rites are designed to be delivered as a whole journey, progressively moving through Rite 1 to Rite 9.

The group mentoring with Kate Maryam as your Munay-Ki Guide is structured in a way to space our the delivery of the Rites across 8 weeks.

You may also like to receive Rite of the Womb, the 13th Rite, as a separate offering after the completion of this journey.

Session One

  • Opening the Journey with Ceremonial Cacao

  • History & introduction to the Munay-Ki Rites

  • Shamanic & cultural teachings to assist with the integration of the Rites

  • Intention setting & seeding

  • Energetic cleanse & preparation to receive the energetic transmissions

Session Two

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 1 - The Healer’s Rite and Rite 2 - The Bands of Power

Session Three

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 3 - The Harmony Rite

  • Integration of the first 3 Rites

Session Four

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 4 - The Seer’s Rite and Rite 5 - The Daykeeper’s Rite

Session Five

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 6 - The Wisdomkeeper’s Rite and Rite 7 - The Earthkeeper’s Rite

Session Six

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 8 - The Starkeeper’s Rite

  • Integration of Rites 6, 7 & 8

Session Seven

  • Receive the teachings and energetic transmission of Rite 9 - The Creator Rite

  • Group sharing and Q&As

Session Eight

  • Journey integration

  • Fire Celebration Ceremony

  • Being a custodian of the Rites

  • Sharing the Rites with others

  • The Rites & Beyond

  • Closing the Journey

Your Eight Week Journey also includes:

  • The authentic energetic transmission of the Rites, with extensive teachings, meditations, sound healings and Shamanic musical journeys

  • The energetic protection, mentorship & guidance of Kate throughout the duration of the journey

  • Support in-between sessions via group chat in WhatsApp

  • Additional Peruvian teachings and rituals beyond the Munay-Ki Rites, including creating a Shamanic altar, daily Fire Ceremony practice (for indoors), working with the four elements for transformative healing

  • Pi Stone - the specific crystal used for the transmission of the Rites

  • An extensive Munay-Ki Rites manual printed for your convenience

  • Munay-Ki Rites Digital Videos

  • Certificate upon completion

Group Mentoring Container:

Our current Munay-Ki Rites journey is already in full swing, with weekly gatherings held every Wednesday from October 9 to November 27, 2024. This intimate space is dedicated to a small group, offering a transformative experience over eight weeks at the Sunset Room of Mooloolaba Wellness Collective.

While this container is now full, I invite you to explore the upcoming February-March session if this journey resonates with you.

Interested in Joining?

If you feel drawn to this sacred path, stay tuned for our February-March 2025 container. While exact days are still being finalised, I’ll be sharing more details soon to help you prepare for this transformative journey. Feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime. I look forward to guiding you on this path.

  • Reach out to Kate for details regarding pricing and payment plan options

  • Book in a 15 minute complimentary discovery call with Kate to answer any questions

  • Contact Kate at

Your Journey Guide

Kate Maryam has an affinity with and appreciation for shamanic culture, teachings and healing.

She received the Munay-Ki Rites from Karen Tetther of Shamanic Soul Journeys, and experienced powerful transformation in all facets of her life.

Kate felt a strong calling to dive deeper into shamanic practices to compliment her existing soul work in energy healing, psychic development, feminine embodiment and ceremonial cacao as a plant medicine.

Kate trained under Karen, not only as a Munay-Ki Rites Teacher & Mentor, but in the cultural teachings and sacred rituals from Peru.

Kate then embarked on a spiritual pilgrimage through the sacred sites of Peru, and was blessed to experience many ceremonial blessings from the Maestros and Shamans, including the first initiation of a Karpay Ceremony and a San Perdo ceremony of personal healing.

Kate is honoured to share the sacred experience of the Munay-Ki Rites, not only as an energetic transmission of the Rites, but also the mentoring and teaching that allow for the integration into the personal life of the recipient.

To enquire or book in to receive the Rites as a private 1:1 offering, please contact Kate.

Please note that the Rites are to be shared freely, but the investment fee is in exchange for my mentoring skill set, facilitation time, resources and other costs associated with the delivery and integration of this journey.